The Singularity is a society dedicated to the creation of worlds. It's effectively this world's version of the universe. Continuously expanding as new worlds are created.
There are 3 main types of character you'll find here; Elders, Creators, and Officials. Creators are there to create worlds, while Officials are there to faciliate the Creators' work, and Elders are more experienced beings who are often found taking on mentoring/teaching roles.
The Singularity itself is made up of a big HQ building where the Officials work and study, and Creators' Spaces.
Character Design Style Guide
Loosely, this is my character design logic for these guys.
- Halo, if they've been an Official in the past
- Tail, if they've been a Creator in the past
- (Elders will often have taken on both official and creator roles over their lifetime)
- Long cloak, past knees
- 2 sets of wings
- Have tails
- 1 set of wings, from upper back/shoulder-blades
- Cape, between elbow & hip-length
- Gown/dress worn under cape
- (the design of a Creator's cape/skirt/wings/tails is usually reflective of that Creator's work)
- Have halos
- 1 set of wings, from lower back
- Cape, between elbow & waist-length
- Light shirt, dark bottoms
- Wear a sash, often a tie as well
- (some departments have stricter uniforms than others)
Creators' Spaces
Each Creator is allotted their own Space; it starts empty, with Creators free to fill it as they please. Some build elaborate homes and workshops, while others may take on more abstract/minimalist approaches.
Connected to HQ via the gate network, a teleportation system that allows for quicker comings-and-goings.
Consisting of offices, classrooms, living spaces for Officials and Elders, the gate network hub, and an observatory.
Aberration Space
A place locked in parallel to the rest of The Singularity. "Aberrants", errors caused when a creator's magic goes haywire, are imprisoned here.
The Keepers of this space work tirelessly and thanklessly, their bodies becoming more and more corrupted the more they are exposed to the abberant magics present.
There are layers to this space, for added security. Some that serve as a place for the Keepers to live in and work from, and others that act as prison-worlds for the aberrations.
It is one of few spaces inaccessible to the gate network. The corruption caused by interacting with Aberrants forms a brutal cycle, which must be contained for the safety of the rest of The Singularity.